Pre-built ICON Grids and ExtPar Data

A list of grid files have been pre-built for the ICON model together with the corresponding reduced radiation grids and the external parameters.

Where are the grid files stored?

  1. The primary storage location for ICON grids is
  2. Every 24h the contents of the primary storage directory are mirrored to DWD's HPC.
  3. Every 24h the contents of the primary storage directory are mirrored to a public web site
Every grid file consists of a NetCDF file and a GPG signature file (
The signature file makes sure that a grid file is complete and verifies the authorship.

Grid file nomenclature

The grids are identified by

The grid files and the external parameter files are named accordingly, e.g.,
where the name components are as follows:
icon _ grid _ 0001 _ R 02 B 06 _ (radiation/reduced)
extpar _ 0002 _ R 03 B 07 _ (global)
icon _ grid _ 0001 _ R 02 B 06 _ (ocean only)
... ... ...

The numberOfGridUsed parameter is part of the file name (0001, ...) and makes this file name unique.

How can I find a specific grid file?

A table lookup is required to find the actual file name to which a set of these parameters corresponds. This "table file" is located in "xml/dwd_grids.xml" (the table file itself is under version control: There exists a grid access tool


to simplify matters.

The source code of the grid access tool is part of the git repository A binary of the grid access tool is located in ~routfor/routfox/patch/.
The file name of the XML table must be set as an environment variable ICON_XML_GRID_TABLE.
On DWD's HPC cluster, for example, the following settings should be made in your .profile / .bashrc / etc.:

export PATH="~routfor/routfox/patch/:"$PATH
export ICON_GRID_DIR=~routfor/routfox/icon/grids/public/edzw
export ICON_XML_GRID_TABLE=~routfor/routfox/icon/xml/dwd_grids.xml

Then the grid file can be located with the grid access tool using the following syntax:

Usage: icon_grid_get number_of_grid_used centre subcentre


      icon_grid_get 1 78 255 
      icon_grid_get v.1.0.1
      numberOfGridUsed : 1
      centre           : 78
      subcentre        : 255
      type             : horizontal
      Description      : Reduced radiation grid (global, R02B05). 80 km resolution
      URI              : grids/public/edzw/
      ExtPar           : grids/public/edzw/
      Contained in grid set(s):
      - "Global R02B06 grid hierarchy without nests."
      numberOfGridUsed: 1, centre: 78, subcentre: 255, type: hrz_radiation
      numberOfGridUsed: 2, centre: 78, subcentre: 255, type: hrz_global
      search for ""...
      File found in

How does the XML grid description look like?

The table is stored in XML format, which is more or less human-readable. It consists of paragraphs of the following form:
      <grid oper                = "yes"
          number_of_grid_used = "2"
          centre              = "78"
          subcentre           = "255"
          type                = "hrz_global">
              Global R02B06 grid.
              40 km resolution
              <description>Globcover-based data set.</description>

The XML file can also be viewed in a web browser

firefox --no-remote ${ICON_XML_GRID_TABLE}
where the table layout is then defined by the XSL definitions in xml/dwd_grids.xsl.

Finally, the XML file contains information on associated grids (e.g., refinement hierarchies):

              Global R02B04 grid hierarchy without nests.
          <grid number_of_grid_used = "9"  
               centre              = "78"
               subcentre           = "255"
               type                = "hrz_radiation" />
          <grid number_of_grid_used = "10"  
               centre              = "78"
               subcentre           = "255"
               type                = "hrz_global" />